2021年09月16日 10:10:38




上海国际财富中心 扬帆远航的绿色办公新典范 由Aedas打造的上海国际财富中心已于近日竣工完成,项目位于浦东金桥副中心早期开发中遗留下的最后一块地块,设计以“扬帆起航”为概念,在有限的面积中,删繁就简,以灵活的功能布局与环绕的生态基底,为金桥开发区打造出全新典雅的地标名片。 The recently-completed Shanghai International Fortune Centre in Jinqiao, Pudong, Shanghai, comprises 2 high-rise office towers interlinked through a three-storey podium with potential for future commercial purposes. 




The recently-completed Shanghai International Fortune Centre in Jinqiao, Pudong, Shanghai, comprises 2 high-rise office towers interlinked through a three-storey podium with potential for future commercial purposes. 


Surrounded by multiple Metro lines and arterial roads, it is closely connected to the Lujiazui CBD in the west and Zhangjiang Hi-tech Park in the south. The development occupies an inverted L shape site along a tributary of Huangpu River, and is bordered by iconic commercial buildings from the 1990s. 

▲ 周边汇聚上世纪标志性建筑群
Bordered by iconic commercial buildings

▲  项目区位图

The site

“项目周边可以看到多座形态各异的超高层建筑,但这并不是打造地标性建筑的唯一方式。” Aedas全球设计董事韦业启(Ken Wai)选择以简驭繁,于周边繁冗求异的建筑群中构建至拙至美,简约大气的建筑轮廓在低调中尽显永恒典雅。


“Considering these geographical conditions, the heart of the design accentuates the challenge of taking full advantage of the waterfront landscape while arranging the business elements pragmatically—ultimately to promote the building as an emblem that reflects the city’s character.” Said Aedas Global Design Principal Ken Wai. 

▲  至拙至美的建筑主体

The elegant building



Green office experience


The plot is divided into two by a public road, with green space in the east, two high-rise office buildings and other ancillary functions in the west. A podium is set to bridge the twin towers, and is equipped with F&B and retail services to meet the needs of office-goers.

▲  建筑鸟瞰图

The overview

▲  项目布局

The layout



The design adopts a compact architectural layout to create three-dimensional public space within the site. A semi-enclosed courtyard between the twin towers enables an omni-level green relationship with the sunken garden and landscape courtyard on the east side; terraces and podium rooftop are fully utilised to provide a variety of outdoor social and leisure space for the hectic working population; and a cafe is set within a stand-alone pavilion on the open courtyard, supplement the development’s boundless ecosystem with yet another unique destination. Supported by an efficient structure and embellished with abundant greenery, a pleasant office environment and a distinct urban landmark is created.

▲  垂直交通设计

The vertical transport


▲  多层次绿色景观

The omni-level green relationship 




Setting Sail

金桥濒临黄浦江,设计从片区河流纵横中汲取灵感,提出了“扬帆起航”的概念。 通过规则矩形体块的错接和简约向上的竖向立面线条,模拟帆船挺拔飘逸的形象,利用不同高度的轻盈弧形元素,在裙房屋顶、避难层、及塔楼塔冠上形成独特的节奏,犹如飞扬的船帆,寓意金桥的发展将充满活力生机,扬帆远航,驶向美好的未来。并以一致的建筑语言,在东侧地块打造了独栋咖啡厅,与塔楼遥相呼应,高矮不一的建筑体量,统一于简约的线条之美,沉稳大气。


The design concept of sail-setting is derived from the crisscrossing rivers in the area. The staggered placements of rectangular blocks and the crisp linear facade lines conjures up the image of a sailboat. The subtle curves on the podium roof, refuge storeys, and tower crown evoke a sense of rhythm that resembles propelling sails, which augurs the prosperous development of Jinqiao, sailing for a bright future. 

▲  概念生成
The design generating

▲  简约大气的建筑主体

Main building 

▲  独栋咖啡厅

The cafe

建筑立面以通透的玻璃幕墙与富有层次细节的蜂窝铝板为主,在简单洗练的现代风格中传递出一气呵成的整体感。 办公塔楼的主立面在玻璃幕墙外,设有规整有韵律感的建筑立面构件,在达到遮阳效果的同时,创造出富有变化的阴影效果。首层大堂采用一致的建筑风格,简洁的线条极富设计感,营造雅致静谧的办公氛围。


Composed of transparent glass curtain walls and tiered aluminum honeycomb panels, the rhythmic facade design provides efficient shading for the interior space and conveys a contemporary feel. In light of the tension between structural scale and height limit of the building, M&E services are meticulously optimised, to meet the requirements without compromising the form and function. 

▲  简洁的轮廓造型

Main building

▲  规整有韵律感的立面构件

Rhythmic, contemporary facade

▲  内部首层

The lobby

为兼顾功能和立面造型完整性,设计精心布局避难层设备机房及进排风百叶,确保上部弧形收边玻璃幕墙和下部水平玻璃幕墙围合而成的排风口可正常运行。 考虑到建筑层高限制及较大的结构跨度,设计采用BIM对机电管线进行优化,在不影响造型和功能的前提下实现楼层净高的高标准设计要求。


The design applies different lighting configurations according to the form and functions of the building. The overall floodlighting of the tower accentuates the clean line surface, while wall washer lights are conscripted to emphasise features on the podium roof, refuge storeys as well as the tower crown. 

▲  上部弧形收边玻璃幕墙

The facade

▲  兼顾功能和立面造型完整性

The  facade mixed function and the integrity

设计结合建筑主体形态以及不同功能,整体考虑灯光配置及泛光效果。 以塔楼整体的泛光照明,凸显建筑的简洁线面,并在裙房屋顶、避难层以及塔冠,利用设备区遮罩格栅的洗墙灯营造出视觉重点,形成富于变化的夜幕灯光。随着夜幕降临,逐渐被点亮的塔冠犹如海上扬帆,熠熠生辉,与新金桥大厦、民航大厦三栋超高层建筑共同成为该区域内夜空中的一簇明灯,照亮金桥地区的蓬勃发展。


As night falls, the tower crown illuminates as a sail rising up the sea surface—together with the King Tower and the Civil Aviation Building, three high-rise architecture form a cluster of light, gleaming against the night sky. 

▲  夜幕中的上海国际财富中心

The night view


Overlooking the beautiful scenery of Puxi and Pudong, in an elegant high-end office atmosphere bathed in lush greenery, the Shanghai International Fortune Centre elevates the architectural standards for office buildings in the area.


▲  总平面图

▲  北塔楼5-11层平面图

▲  南塔楼5-11层平面图

▲  四层幕墙模型

▲  立面图

位置: 中国上海
设计及项目建筑师: Aedas
业主: 上海桥合置业有限公司
建筑面积: 173,327平方米  
竣工年份: 2021年  
主要设计人: 韦业启(Ken Wai),全球设计董事  

Location: Shanghai, China
Design & Project Architect: Aedas
Client: Shanghai Qiaohe Properties Co., Ltd.
GFA: 173,327 sq m 
Completion Year: 2021
Designer: Ken Wai, Global Design Principal 

