土木在线论坛 \ 园林景观 \ 景观规划设计 \ 预制混凝土材质的建筑空间 | QMM文化艺术中心

预制混凝土材质的建筑空间 | QMM文化艺术中心

发布于:2023-04-28 08:55:28 来自:园林景观/景观规划设计 [复制转发]


该项目是位于尤卡坦州梅里达的“Quinta Montes Molina”原始经营场所和财产的一部分。这座房子建于1906年,成为蒙特霍大道(Paseo Montejo)的建筑标志和象征,蒙特霍大道是该市最著名的大道,大多数上世纪的房子都是在该繁荣时期建造的。
This project is part of the original premises and property of the “Quinta Montes Molina” located in Merida, Yucatan. The house was built in 1906 and became an architectural icon and emblem of the Paseo Montejo, the most notorious avenue in the city in which most of the early-century houses were built during the sisal boom.